Thursday, June 5, 2008

Little CJ Update

We checked in with the nurses this morning and Cooper had a good night. He still is getting 25% oxygen and has started small feedings through a tube into his tummy. They are hoping to take the line out of his belly button in the next day or so and after they do that we will be able to hold him for the first time. The x-rays are still showing cloudiness in his lungs and it will likely be that way for some more time. The meconium has to absorb through the lungs naturally and that takes time. He looks good - still laboring a bit with his breathing but is doing better. We'll keep you updated as we know more...


shannonmgb said...

You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope CJ feels better soon.

Sharon said...

I'm praying for the little man....I hope you can hold him soon. Thinking of you both.

elizabeth said...

Hey guys

Congratulations on little CJ! Heard the news from JJ a couple of days ago. I'll definitely be thinking of you, and I hope CJ gets to go home soon.

Congrats again