Last night Cooper got to rest on his belly. The nurses turned him over on his tummy to rest and he slept like a dream. (Note: You can't let babies sleep on their bellies at home but since he is monitored with all sorts of things he can at the NICU). He has been getting fussier which they say is a good sign. Sick babies don't make much noise, babies that are feeling better start to cry a bit, like any normal baby would do, so we are happy he is crying! He has also gone up in his feedings. When we were with him this morning he was up to 40ml of milk. He has been receiving his feedings mostly through a tube in his nose. It has been hard for him to take the bottle and breathe at the same time. As soon as his feeding levels are up and he is tolerating it well they will take him off the TPN (liquid food) bag. Once the antibiotics are done (7-10 days worth) we should be able to hold him for the first time.
The doctor also has ordered some respiratory treatment which the nurses say he has been handling well. It is basically something that allows his air passages to open up a bit further so the meconium can continue working it's way out. He is learning how to suck on his pacifier too which is a good sign! Those are all the updates we have for today. We'll keep posting as Cooper progresses.
Thank you for your continued thoughts, messages, notes and calls.
Ohhh, he's sooo cute11 Your site brought me to happy tears!! May God continue to bless you all, that doesn't sound quite right,God blesses us all. You all are in my prayers. Lots of love, ML
We're thinking about you three, Lindsay. I can't imagine how hard it is for you and your husband to watch your baby go through this. Sharon and I didn't have a pleasant start either, but we at least got to hold our boy a few hours after birth. Hang in there.
Im glad he is sleeping and doing better....we put Luke on his belly pretty early...he would roll over so he liked that best...they do sleep alot better:)
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