Saturday, February 13, 2010

Visit with uncle mikey

Last weekend Uncle Mikey came to visit us.... unfortunately I don't have any evidence of his visit. But while he was here we did have a private wine tasting at our neighbor's cellar.
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One of the tastings featured a Pinot Tage. It was a great red wine from the South African wine country. We had a great weekend but it went way too fast. Come back again soon UM!

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Feeding the dogs

The dogs were chasing Cooper around the other day because he had a treat in his hand. The dogs were getting in to his personal space and were making him mad!


Well for the past month or so, at least one of us has been sick in our house. This weekend it's Cooper's turn again. Today he felt well enough to play outside for a bit.

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Last weekend we sadly watched the Colts get defeated by the Saints in the Superbowl. Cooper was ready with his Jersey and pregame meal.
From Phone Pictures

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How does this thing work?
From Phone Pictures